At Home in Your Heart

There is a place reserved for every born-again believer; a secret place where we feel and hear the heart of God. We enter in by faith, and with grateful hearts. Why? Because the Creator of the universe wants to be known by us, and have us abide in Him. When His Holy Spirit makes His Word alive to us, the wisdom and truth we find reveals His heart, His will, and His ways. Abiding means spending enough time that it feels like home. When the Presence of God and His Word becomes familiar to the point it feels like a part of us, it influences us to speak the language of faith. That’s when we see every word we speak in the Spirit manifest in the natural. Jesus only did what He saw the Father do. They were intimately connected and in perfect unity. Since power comes by virtue of relationship, decide to invest in your relationship with the Father. As you do, His Words in and spoken by you will influence and change the world around you.