Be Strong in the Lord!

What do we do when it seems that trouble surrounds us, or circumstances have got us so tied up in knots that we see no way out and into victory, no matter which way we turn? The Bible tells us to be strong in the Lord! Now, when the Word of God instructs to be strong, it certainly isn’t implying we must dig deep and muster up the last bit of our own strength and courage we have left. What it does imply is that the strength we are to draw from and stand in, has a source that is not our own! That source of strength is in Christ Jesus! Kenneth Hagin once said that the value of authority depends upon the force behind the user. What does that mean, and what does it have to do with being strong in the Lord in the face of trouble?  The believer that is thoroughly conscious of the Divine power behind Him, and of his own delegated authority, can face any trouble, without fear and without hesitancy. 1 John 4:4 says, “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” The word them is referring to demons and evil spirits who work tirelessly to manipulate circumstances in your life to entice you to give up on your faith, and step back in fear. However, according to the Bible, we have already overcome these evil forces because the Greater One (The Spirit of Jesus Christ) lives in us – and He has already defeated the enemy for us! There is no trial or trouble or tribulation that has not already been overcome by Jesus. The answer to each exists in Him, which means the answer exists in us too!  He is more than ready to let that answer float right up from your spirit-man (where He lives) to your mind, and as it does – it releases supernatural faith, peace and the strength of Almighty God! James 1:5 says, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” James goes on to say that the key to receiving this wisdom lies in you believing, with full confidence, that God will not only give it to you, but back you with His Own power to see you walk right into victory! So, today, choose to be strong in the Lord, expect His wisdom to be made know and answer every problem with it – in the power of His might that’s already in you!