Believe and Speak

Faith always works because it’s of God. It’s a supernatural force on which His kingdom operates. It is perfect and never fails.  When we experience times where it seems faith is not producing the results it should – we can be assured it’s not because there’s anything at fault with the force of faith. Very often the fault lies with our understanding of faith and how it operates.  According to scripture, believing and speaking God’s Word are pivotal keys for the operation of faith (Mark 11:22-24; Romans 10:10). How do we know we are believing the Word?  It’s not enough to just agree with the Word. When the Word we meditate on comes alive in our hearts, faith to produce results is released. We recognize the moment it comes alive in us – it’s when we sincerely believe that what the Word says is true and make it our own. Romans 10:17 says faith comes by the continuous hearing of God’s Word. In the Greek, God’s Word in this scripture is the rhema Word of God, meaning: The quickened, spontaneous Word of God, spoken into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. This means the Holy Spirit takes the Word we believe to be ours and speaks it into our minds from inside our spirits. This sounds just like our own thoughts, except the joy, peace and life released with it is undeniable! Now comes the speaking part of the faith process. The moment we speak out that rhema word – the supernatural force of faith carried on those words is released into the atmosphere and immediately goes to work – fulfilling what it says. From the time it’s spoken to the time the answer is manifest in the natural – we must hold fast to that confession of faith, never backing down from it or speaking contrary to it. Thanksgiving is the language of faith and the only appropriate language to use to speed up the manifestation of the answer that is already ours in the spirit. Remember, the spirit of faith is already in you, learning to operate in it by believing and speaking correctly – is the key. This is God’s will for every believer – let’s become skilled in it today!