Beware False Doctrines 

The Bible warns us about false doctrines that are prevalent in these last days. One being the lie that Believers never have to confess or repent from any sin once they are born-again. The finished work of the cross most certainly paid for our sins to be washed away, our old sinful nature to be nailed on the cross, and every legal accusation holding our sin against us is nailed there too. When we received Jesus as Lord and Saviour, we acknowledged that we had sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  We recognised that our sins had separated us from being united with Him and that we were in need of a Saviour to redeem us from that hopeless state and reconcile us to the Father.  The instant we repented of our sinful state, we were forgiven! We were literally snatched out of the kingdom of darkness and transferred into the kingdom of God’s own Son! From that moment we are expected to live according to God’s kingdom ways, and not the ways of the world. Since we have the power of the Holy Spirit alive inside us – we are well able to keep away from the temptation to sin. However, should we for any reason commit sin, the Bible says we will immediately sense the unease within our spirits because they are perfectly pure.  Another term for sin is the works of the flesh, which the Bible says is antagonistic against the re-born spirit of a believer.  Which explains the unease we feel in our conscience (1 Timothy 1:19). So, what do we do when we feel that unease and we know we have acted in violation to the ways of the Holy Spirit? 1 John 1:9 was specifically written for the Belier! It says, “If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action].” The blood of Jesus certainly cleansed us from past sin and will continue to cleanse us from every confessed sin in the future – because a repentant heart will never be ignored by God. Repentance literally means making a decision to change our ways.  Which is why the Bible says there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live after the ways of the Spirit and not of the flesh! (Romans 8:1). As a Believer, should you fall into sin, be quick to confess your sin, receive your forgiveness and with a clear conscience return to a life of walking right before God.