Blessed to Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

From a very early age, we are told that only those things that can be experienced through our natural senses are real. However, according to 2 Corinthians 5:7, those who are in Christ Jesus must regulate our lives by faith, and not by sight. After all, it requires no faith to believe in what can be experienced by means of our natural senses. This is why we can’t approach the topic of faith from a natural, worldly viewpoint when faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1).

According to the word, only those who walk by faith (and not by sight), are called “BLESSED”. That’s because believing in God’s promises before they become our visual reality, and trusting Him, even when He can’t be seen with our natural eyes, is the only way we please God. Elijah heard the sound of abundance of rain in the spirit, without there even being a single cloud in the sky. Elijah’s servant had to go up and look for the confirmation of what Elijah believed, seven times before he saw a cloud, the size of a man’s fist, in the sky. Faith is persistent; it applies constant and relentless pressure to the natural world until the desired result is made manifest.

Today, God calls you, “BLESSED”, as you take a firm hold of every promise He has made in His Word and refuse to let go until you see them become your natural reality.