Bold Prayers!

After the disciples were threatened to never again preach or heal in the Name of Jesus Christ, they got together and did the one thing they knew to do – pray. Their prayer, as recorded in Acts 4, was short, deliberate, bold and to the point. They didn’t beg or seek pity. Instead, they prayed God would grant them more boldness to preach the Word!

Backing down was not even an option. How someone prays reveals a great deal about what they believe and their confidence in their God-given authority. Instead of wailing and travailing, they prayed simple, direct prayers that echoed the will of God. Since they approached the very real threats of the authorities in faith, God granted them their request. And no wonder, since without faith it’s impossible to please Him! This is why not one chapter in the Book of Acts is void of the supernatural.

Whatever you are facing or going through, go to the Lord in prayer and pray bold prayers. God is moved by our faith and our willingness to obey Him, in the heat of the challenges we face. May the Lord strengthen you as you step out today in boldness!