Challenged, Not Defeated
As a child of God, it’s biblical to be challenged, but it’s unbiblical to be defeated. According to John 16:33, trials and tough circumstances are to be expected. But Jesus told us exactly how to face and overcome them. He said we are to be joyful because He has already overcome whatever challenge we will ever face in this world!
In other words, we must have the attitude of someone who knows victory is our outcome – even before we see it. And according to 1 John 5:4, our victory has everything to do with our faith in God and the promises of His Word! So if you’re facing a challenge that’s got you feeling anxious, do what Jesus says to do. Start thanking Him for the victory He has already promised you and the wisdom He is about to give you to see it resolved (James 1:5). Then find the promise pertaining to the breakthrough you need and apply your faith to it.
As you lay it before the Lord in joyful faith, listen for His instructions and expect His peace. Obey what He lays on your heart to do and rejoice! Shift your focus from the problem to God’s faithfulness, and delight yourself in Him as He honours His word and your obedience – changing every challenge into a glorious victory!