Choices That Bring Change

What change are you desiring to see in your life today? Perhaps it’s a change in your family or your finances. Whatever it may be, there is a choice that brings the change, and it’s yours to make. Our Heavenly Father is loving, gracious and kind, and His intentions are to see us walking in His blessing and favour. He has also given us a free will to choose to love Him back and pursue a life devoted to Him. This choice involves deliberately surrendering and replacing our own agendas and desires with His Own. In His kindness, God provides us with all the practical wisdom we need to make the best choice, then waits for us to decide to follow it or not. He has deposited in us the power to follow through and make wise decisions that are in line with His perfect plan for our lives, along with His Own Holy Spirit to lead and guide us every step of the way. That practical wisdom for life is found in His word, so let it be your all-time guide and rely on the Holy Spirit to lead you to make the choices that bring the changes you desire to see.