A pastor once preached a sermon that left an indelible footprint on his congregants’ faith journey. He preached and taught something in a tangible manner that became an anchor to them. All Believers, at a specific time, stand in faith on God’s Word – desperately believing Him for something He promised. In the natural world there are often delays and disappointments, with the accompanying temptation to doubt. This particular pastor made everyone in the congregation physically partake in an exercise that lead to their lightbulb moment. Each participant had to choose a line to stand in. One line was for healing, another for financial breakthrough, the other for restored relationships, and so on. He placed bricks, portraying steps, from where that particular line of people started their journey, towards the stage where he stood (the fulfilment of that journey or promise received). One line had perhaps nine steps to reach victory, another only five and the other line twenty. Can you picture this? The principle: every person’s faith journey is unique and personal. There is no fixed formula. Faster doesn’t necessarily mean better. As each participant advanced step-by-step, they had to proclaim the promise and joyfully praise God. Now in this practical exercise each participant could see the length of the line and how many steps were left to obtain victory. Not so when you are on a spiritual conquest. In reality, we do not know how God will produce the miracle, nor how long the waiting period is. At a particular point the pastor halted the process – signifying giving up. Someone in one line concluded their journey. Some were five or ten steps away from their victory (the end of the line). Somebody was just one step away from total breakthrough when they ‘gave up’…This simple but vivid visual representation showed how close we often are to that breakthrough when we succumb to discouragement, lose heart, or relax in Kingdom matters. Which is when we are to remember that we have the power to choose to never give up, to stay the course and run the race until we lay hold of the prize.  May you never give up before you lay hold of that prize that is yours to obtain – in Jesus’ Name!