Christ Alone in Our Hearts

The context of the above verse revolves around those who are experiencing hardship or suffering for doing what is right, those being persecuted for following Christ. It is a hard pill to swallow, knowing that many will not accept you because you have accepted Christ. It becomes even more difficult when those closest to you are the ones who reject you because you follow Christ and His Word is found strongly in you. How can one stay in constant peace and joy when facing persecution? We have to set Christ apart as holy in our hearts. The Passion Translation says, “But give reverent honor in your hearts to the Anointed One and treat Him as the holy Master of your lives”. When we honor the Lord, our lives exemplify His will and His ways. We will be full of His Word, which will manifest His character and wisdom in and through us. No matter what situation we are faced with, we will respond with the peace, love and wisdom of God. This kind of response will most certainly convict the heart of any offender. Our response of gratitude and awe to Christ in the midst of affliction will certainly cause hearts to be pricked with conviction. Jesus Christ is holy and should be placed on the throne of our hearts, above all else. When He is the priority of our lives our response to any and all persecution will reflect His love and wisdom and not only lay-up eternal rewards for us, it will release a powerful seed of truth into the hearts of those who persecute us. Keep Christ alone in your heart at all times!