Christmas – Making Way for The Great Exchange

The birth of Jesus on this earth marked the time when God’s goodness and loving-kindness towards man appeared – in the form of a man!  Hallelujah! The Bible tells us that Jesus grew in favour with man and God, and was fully aware of the purpose of His coming from the glory of Heaven to the misery of a sin-dominated earth. He came to be the Saviour of the world, not because we deserved it, but because of His Own love for us. He was born so that He could die and His Own blood was poured out so richly upon us to cleanse us from all wrong doing! A sacrifice that only had to be done once – for all eternity! That’s how powerfully accurate the finished work of the cross is. Through the Holy Spirit, anyone who accepts Jesus, the Son of God, as personal Lord and Saviour receives a new birth – a brand new existence in Him! Verse 7 of Titus 3 says He did this for us so that we would be justified by His grace and become heirs of eternal life! This means, when we become born-again we enter into a relationship with God Himself that gives us access to enjoy everything He is and everything He has! In exchange, He receives everything we are and have. The great exchange took place on that cross and we get to live in the reality of it every single day! He became our sin so that we became His righteousness. He became sickness and disease so that we become health. He became the curse of poverty so that we have every need met according to His riches in glory! He became shame so that we become confident heirs to His eternal kingdom! This is why Christians all around the world celebrate Christmas!  Because God sent His only begotten Son to us, He deliberately lowered Himself to take on the form of a man to save us and make a way for us to live victoriously in Him – forever!