Come Boldly

What a wonderful privilege we have to boldly approach God’s throne of grace, through Jesus. He paid the highest price to restore us to our natural habitat – the presence of God. That’s why its such a shame when we know we have this privilege, yet still drawback, or fail to run to it, especially when we need it the most.

Our faith in Jesus is the key that opens the door to enjoying and embracing the presence of our Heavenly Father, where we receive all the refreshing we need. If you ever feel you are unable, or unworthy to approach the presence of God with an unreserved confidence, take the focus off of yourself, and your own insecurities and shortcomings. Instead, place your attention on the price Jesus paid, knowing full well who you are, to have you come before the Father in freedom and joy.

Without having a revelation of what Jesus Christ did for us, boldness to access the Father’s presence is incomprehensible. As we understand who we are in Christ through studying God’s Word, we recognise the privilege lies solely in accepting His grace. You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus – this is what secures your access into the Presence of the God who loves you more than His Own life.