Come Eat and Drink

We need the Word more than we need daily food. In the times we live in, it’s not good enough to just be alive – we must be alive in Christ! We must be filled with the Word and led by His Holy Spirit!  Jesus said that He is the bread of life, that partaking of Him will never leave us hungry.

Since Jesus is the Living Word (John 1:1,14), the Bread of Life we are to consume involves us reading, meditating, and applying God’s Word to our lives.  When Jesus said we would never thirst if we believe in Him; He was referring to the encounter He had with the woman at the well in John 4.  He told her that if she’d ask of Him, He would give her the living water that would satisfy her for eternity. The Holy Spirit is that living water. The more Word we consume, the more the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus to us, influencing and transforming our lives to be more like Him in the process. The Holy Spirit quickens the word within us, bringing it to remembrance in times of need.

The life and power that flows from the Word (Jesus), and the Living Water of the Holy Spirit keep us satisfied, fruitful, and prosperous in every area of our lives. Come to Jesus, eat and drink deeply of His Word and Spirit – and you will never hunger or thirst again!