Confident to the End

Many drastic changes have occurred globally in our world of late, unsettling the hearts and minds of people in every nation. Those things people once placed their security in have toppled and collapsed, leaving them with a deep sense of hopelessness and fear. This is why the voice of the church of Jesus Christ needs to be heard – loud and clear – for people to find their hope and an anchor for their souls! As believers, we have a firm confidence in knowing we belong to God.

We have a different spirit to the world – one that is full of courage and victorious. Our hope and security doesn’t come from the things in this world, we have our eyes fixed on the Lord and His Word of truth rooted in our hearts. Our wisdom isn’t limited by human understanding and we don’t live as victims to circumstances.

We have been given the power and the authority to overcome and reign above the trouble that cripples rulers and pulls men to their knees. As long as we remain hidden in Christ Jesus, where He remains the centre of all we are and all we do, that confidence will not only remain – it will keep us steadfast to the end. This way we become beacons of light to the world around us, holding out hope and life to them.