Consistent Growth


There’s a bamboo tree that’s grown in the East, commonly known to the rest of the world as a Chinese bamboo tree. It takes a lengthy process of diligent tending to before it even shows signs of growth. Once the seed is sown into the soil, the gardener continues to faithfully nurture and water it right up until it breaks through the ground – which can happen only in its FIFTH year!

When we remain consistent in spending time in fellowship with the Lord in His Word and prayer, we can trust His Spirit is faithfully transforming us from within. Even when we don’t see the results in the manner or time we expected them, we can trust that great growth is taking place – growth that will produce lasting and significant fruit. God works ALL things for good – and even time is not an enemy to that working out!

Don’t become impatient with the process, keep working with the Master, rest in His promises, speak and do only what is in line with His Word. You’ll be amazed at His handiwork, as you’ve been consistently growing in Him.