Death Has No Sting

There comes a time in everyone’s life to face the thought of death. In all the uncertainty that revolves around life after death, the Bible makes some things perfectly clear. Death removes us from everything we have on this earth: our loved ones; our possessions; our money; and all the things we may have built up over years of toil. However, for us who know the saving grace of Christ, death is not finality – only a transition from this world into the everlasting life we have with Jesus. A life more glorious than we can imagine; where there is no pain, sorrow, or toil. It’s a life where we can see our Saviour face to face and know Him fully, without the distractions and limitations of this sinful, broken world. Jesus took away the sting of death for us and has given us the assurance that those we loved and lost on earth, who gave their hearts to Him, will be in our lives once again. What a beautiful promise to hold on to! For us who are in Christ, to die is by no means the end of life, just the beginning of a far better one. It’s one you can enjoy too if you surrender your life to Jesus today. Accept His gift of grace that’s freely available to all and you’ll find death has no sting!