Determine to Hold on

Our goal, as children of God, is to be persistent in our walk with the Lord, refusing to let go of our faith in His trustworthy nature and His Word. Ephesians 2:12 tells us that true hopelessness is being without God in this world, and being a stranger to His covenant promises. The Word tells us to hold fast to the Lord, to cling to Him at all times. We are not to lean on our own understanding, but to rather trust Him completely, and acknowledge Him in all things – putting us in a position to receive His clear instruction and guidance (Proverbs 3:5-6). Once we’ve received His instruction, we are to obey and never let go of our trust and confidence in Him to fulfil what He has promised. When Jacob wrestled with the Lord, he refused to let go until he was blessed. As a result, He was given a new name and destiny. Instead of being known as Jacob (meaning “supplanter” or “deceiver”); He was given the name Israel (meaning “having power with God” or “God’s fighter”).  When Naomi told Ruth to depart from her, she refused to leave and clung to her mother-in-law. As a result, she was blessed with a husband and a son! When we determine to hold tight to trusting in the Lord and His Word of truth – we will see Him perform every promise He has made in our lives!