Dig Deep Foundations
When our opinions are formed on the truth of God’s Word, and we make a deliberate effort to build our lives on its principles – we can weather any storm unshaken. For instance, when someone has wronged you, even though all-natural reason tells you to hold a grudge, God’s Word says to forgive and walk in love towards that person. The only possible way anyone can choose to do this is when he has more faith in the credibility of God’s Word than his own feelings.
When we come to the place where we have tested the truth of God’s Word and seen that its wisdom always leads to our victory and success – it becomes the final authority of our lives. We willingly obey its principles, regardless of what our flesh says because we know the results it will bring – without fail!
Obeying God’s Word over and above our natural reasoning becomes an absolute delight to us when we have learnt to trust it with our lives. Building your life on the principles of God’s Word will cause you to experience victory, success, and a life that’s worth living. It will yield super-natural results that make you a monument of His steadfast goodness and grace.