Effective Prayer
From the moment we became born again, we became part of a very powerful kingdom – the Kingdom of God. This kingdom operates entirely differently to the one we belonged to before. It’s a kingdom where we have the power and authority to bring things that exist in God’s unseen kingdom into our seen, natural world. We do this through faith-filled prayer! If we don’t pray the way God teaches us in His Word, then no matter how noble they may sound, our prayers are ineffective.
In Matthew 6:9 Jesus taught us to always begin our prayers acknowledging His Father, seeing Him as the source of all we will ever need. In verse 33, He says the key to receiving from the Father is to seek Him and His kingdom as our first priority – above all else.
When we do come to Him, we must come in confident faith, knowing He is able, willing, and faithful to hear us; and that He will always deliver on what He has promised (Hebrews 11:6). When our hearts are set on knowing God and His ways, making Him the object of our affection and adoration, there is no good thing He will withhold from us (Psalm 84:11).