Embrace the Holy Spirit

The fact that you are connected to God means you are not ordinary. You have a life and power inside you that exceeds the natural. The way to access and draw from this life and power is by your daily, intimate communion with the Holy Spirit. He is our God-given advantage in this life. When Jesus said it was ‘expedient’ for Him to leave so that we would be able to receive the Presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, He was implying our lives will become far greater with Him than without Him! In Greek, the word ‘expedient’ means ‘to be at an advantage; profitable.’ The Bible says the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth, and tells us things that will happen in the future. He will take what is on the heart and mind of the Father, and declare it to us. So we will never be left in the dark, or hopeless concerning anything! (John 16:13-15). There is no such thing as victorious Christian living – without day by day dependence upon the Spirit of God. Don’t fool around with your relationship with the Holy Spirit, because He is your Helper. He will give you the edge over others who don’t know Him, and cause you to live in favour. He is available to tell you how to go about your business, your family, your finances and your personal life. Thank God for the Holy Spirit, and be careful to not neglect giving Him your attention throughout your day today – embrace the Holy Spirit.