Eyes Glued to Wisdom

Believers who live in perpetual victory are always focused on things that have eternal value. Their eyes are glued to the wisdom that comes from above. Those who fool themselves, however, have their eyes fixed on every distracting opinion or whim, outside of the truth of God’s Word. They attempt to find helpful information from every other source, exalting the wisdom of the world above God’s wisdom. As a result, their decisions are based on natural knowledge, and they steer their life’s choices by things that are always subject to chance and change. But when we fix our eyes on the Word of God – irrespective of what happens around us – we live by a higher reality, one that is far superior to this world’s natural one.

The laws of the spirit have eternal value and override all-natural circumstances. These laws or principles are all found in the Word of God, and operate by faith.  God’s Word sets us high above circumstances, and informs us from an eternal perspective, securing our lives in perfect peace and joyful hope!  This is our story when we keep our eyes glued to the wisdom of the Word, and not wandering on everything else instead.