Faith is Not Blind

There are great benefits and rewards for those who are led by the Spirit of God! To see the manifestation of God’s Word take place in our lives, we must be intentional when it comes to hearing His voice, so we can be led by His Spirit. The Holy Spirit will never lead us astray, He will only lead us in the direction of God’s very best for our lives. Jesus did nothing without first hearing from His Heavenly Father, as a result His life was filled with great works of faith and significant, lasting fruit!  As we are led by His Spirit, we do have certainty, because faith is never blind – it always attaches itself to the Word of God. Hebrews 11:1 says faith is the title-deed, or the evidence of things God has spoken, even before they are manifest in the natural world. For that reason, faith is never a walk in the dark.  It is a purposeful walk towards God’s promises regardless of what is happening in the world around us. The God that we serve is not a God of confusion and chaos, instead He enables us to build our lives and families on His never changing Word, and He is a never changing God! He never changes His mind concerning what He has said and promised us. There will always be a confidence and certainty in following Him! As we pay attention to God’s Word, listen carefully to what He is saying to us, and purposing to do what He says – our lives will overflow with the richness of His manifest promises!