Faith Moves Forward

#FaithDaily Faith Moves Forward

1 Samuel 17:48 (NLT): “As Goliath moved closer to attack, David quickly ran out to meet him.”

As children of God it’s vital to understand that faith is always moving forward. Even in the face of difficult situations it never shrinks back in fear or retreats. When David faced Goliath, the Bible says Goliath stepped forward to attack. He was determined to intimidate David and the entire nation of Israel that day.

Instead of retreating and being paralyzed in fear, David understood God was for him. He knew from personal experience that His God would never allow Him to fail; especially when David stood face to face with an uncircumcised Philistine who vulgarly cursed His Name. Instead of retreating, David moved forward! Not sluggishly, or with hesitation – he literally ran to oppose Goliath. His confidence in his covenant with God was surer to him than that angry, gruesome giant.

No matter what looms above you today, and threatens to destroy the good things in your life; determine to trust the Lord, just as David did. Move forward in your sure faith and let the sword of the Spirit – the truth of God’s Word – cut that obstacle down, never to be seen again!