Far Above

According to the Word of God, every born-again believer has been given a position of right standing with Him (2 Corinthians 5:21). Have you noticed however that when some Christian’s feel defeated, they often quote, “I’m just a sinner, saved by grace.”. The truth is, we were all sinners before we came to know Christ Jesus! Sin had power over us, but now we have a brand new nature that hates sin and loves righteousness!

We also have the grace of God, that is His supernatural power inside our re-born spirits, to empower us to make the right choices in life . We are well able to walk away from the temptation of sin and choose to live holy lives, that are pleasing to the Lord! Hallelujah!  It’s simply not in our re-born nature to sin! The more time we spend in the Word and fellowship with the Lord, the more His Spirit and Word washes over our minds and renews the way we see ourselves.

We are not weak minded people, struggling to try live right before the Lord.  He has already made us right in our spirits and has given us the place of victory in Him! Recognise that whatever is true of Jesus is true of you too. You are no longer subject to sin, you have been given the power and authority to function in life from FAR ABOVE all evil influences in Jesus Name.