Fear the Lord, Shun Evil

There can be no true holiness without the fear of God. It is through our reverential fear of Who God is that causes us to completely loose our appetite for and forsake evil. In fact, the Bible says that the fear of the Lord is to hate what is evil. One cannot fear the Lord and still have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness. Paul writes to the Romans that we should hate what is evil and cling to what is good (Romans 12:9). Fearing God comes from seeing Him in His Word.  Meditate on scriptures that describe the greatness of God, like Proverbs 8:22-31, or Job 38, where the Lord reveals His omnipotence to Job. Take time to learn about God’s attributes in the Word, and before long you will be so amazed by the mystery of One so great wanting to posses your own inner-man, to make Himself personally know to you. It’s impossible to know the truth about God and not want to abandon everything else to know Him more, and follow wholeheartedly after Him.  Even the slightest slither of a though of evil is repulsive to the heart that knows and loves God, and has personally tasted and seen His goodness.