Feast on the Word

Jeremiah 15:16 (ESV), “Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by Your name, O LORD, God of hosts.”

The prophet Jeremiah experienced his fair share of trials and tribulations during his quest to deliver the message of repentance to the children of Israel. They had rebelled against God and His instructions.  Jeremiah certainly suffered the consequences of being the bearer of bad news. He was thrown into a cistern after being physically assaulted and beaten. Despite all this, his faith in God and the urgency to deliver the message, never dwindled.  He had a first-hand encounter with the Word of God – and nothing could deter him from what he experienced.  Despite the consequences of relaying the message, God’s words made their mark on him.  They were a delight and a joy to him because He knew they carried eternal power to sustain him. This is a conviction we should have concerning God’s irrefutable word! In spite of the persecution against us who stand on the validity of God’s word, like Jeremiah, we will always find hope, peace, comfort and life in it. As opposition to the credibility of God’s word increases – choose to engage your heart in its truth.  Allow it to be your joy and your delight as it releases the flow of God’s love and power in your life. Jeremiah said, “Your words were found, and I ate them”. He understood that God’s word is inspired by Himself and carries His life-giving Spirit.  This is what caused Jeremiah to delight himself in the word which gave him the supernatural ability to endure whatever came against him. May the word of God become more real to you than any circumstance you are faced with today. Feast on its truth as it brings you joy and strength to overcome whatever comes your way.