Flourish with the Mind of the Spirit

When we became new creatures in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), we received God’s divine nature, by the person of the Holy Spirit. That means within our spirit-man, we have the character of God, the mind of Christ, the power of God and an unlimited supply of super-abundant life! However, even though our spirit-man has been renewed, our soul must still be transformed. A process that can only be done through the Word of God. The mind will and emotions of the believer must be trained to remain aware of, and alert to the spirit-man. Then, once we become sensitive to its leading, we must acknowledge it and yield to the will of the spirit over and above the will of the soul (which is carnal by nature).  How do we do this? By keeping the mind stayed on the things of God, through reading the Bible, meditating on its truth, listening to sound Biblical teachings, and engaging in godly conversations, to name a few. When we don’t keep our minds on the things of God, its attention is easily drawn towards the things of the flesh.  It’s true that we are in this world, and its realities are all around us – but we are not of it and must not conform to its standards or norms. We are expected to constantly renew our minds to God’s way of thinking, speaking and acting! So, cultivate an atmosphere conducive to living with the mind of the spirit. Get excited about the Word and fellowshipping with Jesus – and His Spirit will dominate every response to outside circumstances, every decision needed to be made, and every conversation you engage in. Choose to neglect the mind of the flesh by overpowering it with thoughts based on the Word and you will flourish with the mind of the spirit!