
The walk of Faith is a forward-moving journey, with the most exhilarating experiences far greater than we could ever dare imagine. Learning to trust God and His promises concerning us keeps us from drawing back in unbelief or fear when times get tough.

We can advance and overcome anything when we wholeheartedly believe God is for us, and is actively watching over His Word to perform it in our lives. This means nothing, and no-one, can prevail against us. That is why drawing back is never an option, and can never be a part of our lives. We move forward with endurance, in the strength of God with the grace to receive all He’s promised us.

If you feel your faith is wavering, or you’re tempted to back away from what God has called you to do; ask the Holy Spirit to pour His love and power into your heart and to refresh and recharge you in His Word of truth. This way you can, once and for all, move forward into the fullness of all God has for you.