Gird Up You Mind

The Bible clearly tells us we have an adversary, the devil. His evil forces of darkness work behind most disasters and moral failures. The truth is: these demonic spirits can’t do anything in our personal lives unless we choose to cooperate with them. They can tempt, seduce, and try to deceive and assault our minds with all kinds of negative or fearful thoughts. However, unless we agree with those thoughts and pay attention to them, the devil’s evil attempts are powerless against us. So how do we guard our minds to counteract the devil’s attack? We keep them dominated by the Word of God. Our thoughts influence and control the way we speak and behave. So when we fill our thoughts with God’s powerful truth, the Holy Spirit helps us block the majority of the enemy’s attacks against our minds! Daily filling our minds with God’s thoughts strengthens and keeps our minds free from unbelief and ungodly strongholds. So stop the devil from gaining access into your life – gird up your mind with the truth!