Glorify Him as God in Your Life

How much value do you place in God? How much value do you place in His Word? The extent to which we value something determines the weight it holds in our lives. God and His Word should be taken more seriously than anything that ever comes against us. God and His Word should be more real to us in our spirits than what we take in through our natural senses. He and His Word should be magnified while we are in the midst of challenges.

The word ‘glorify’ in the above scripture means to esteem, reverence or prize. Romans 1:21 speaks of those who knew God, but didn’t reverence or prize Him as their first love, or supreme authority in their lives. They chose to love their own lives and place their own will above His. To know God, and live completely devoted and dedicated to Him, is to willingly die to our own desires and will – and embrace all of Him. This is where He becomes our source of life, joy, peace, and wisdom that is far beyond human comprehension.

This is a life that is marked by a heart overflowing with deep gratitude for having the fullness of God living and flowing in and through them. Anything less than this is to know Him, but deny His Presence from dominating our thoughts and hearts. The Bible says this makes us ungrateful and discontent. Our thoughts will be futile and our hearts foolish and dark. Today, decide to have nothing less than the full measure of Christ living strong inside you; to know Him, embrace Him, and prize Him above ourselves.