God Rewards!

We live in a time where people relentlessly strive for success. The desire to prosper no matter the cost is a popular trend. Now, according to the Word, God delights in the prosperity of His children and desires to see us succeed. Psalm 1:3 and Joshua 1:8 are only two of many scriptures supporting this. In Genesis 26:4 God’s covenant promise over Abraham declared all the nations of the earth would be blessed through him. This same covenant is promised to every child of God in Galatian 3:14.

Then, in Hebrews 7:22 we’re told that through Jesus, we have an even better covenant, with better promises. There is great evidence in God’s Word supporting His desire to see us prosper and be successful, and nothing stating otherwise. So, prosperity and success are not the problem, it’s how they are gained that matters. Hebrews 11:6 tells us faith is the only way to please God, and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him.

Seeking Him and His ways first, positions us for success. There is nothing more advantageous than having the God of all creation backing you! Living faithfully for God guarantees a life of blessing, victory and prosperity this world can never experience outside of knowing Him.