God’s Chosen Treasure

So many Christians are living defeated lives, and it really doesn’t have to be that way! While it’s normal to experience challenges, it’s unbiblical to be defeated by them. Defeat normally always comes through disinformation. This is a common tactic of the enemy – feeding God’s children a lie, which they choose to believe and settle for – leading them into a limited, powerless life. However, according to the truth of God’s Word, a Christian is the most powerful creature on the planet! If you are born-again, God has given you the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead.

You have resurrection power in you! He has made you both a priest and a king, in the order of Melchizedek. That means you have the right to boldly come before Him to receive all you need to prosper, be healed, delivered, empowered, and be victorious! You may be living in this fallen, sinful world, but you are not of this world – you are part of the Kingdom of God, heaven is your real home. You have been set apart by God to represent Him on this earth! The devil has been defeated and sin, lack, and any curse has no power over you!

You have been given the Word of God to give you God’s own practical wisdom to obey. You have the Name of Jesus which is above every other name; and the precious Holy Spirit, who promises to never leave you, and will lead you into all truth! Today, know you are God’s chosen treasure, and become a carrier of the supernatural by broadcasting “His glorious wonders throughout the world”.