God’s Light in You

Out of nothing, God created everything from His spoken word! Hebrews 11:3 says that the worlds were fashioned by the word of God so that what we see was not made out of things which are visible. The first creative words recorded in the Bible are, “Let there be Light”. We know this light doesn’t refer to the sun which was created on the fourth day of creation. This light refers to the glorious light of God Himself! His light has all the energy and power to create all things true, pure, beautiful and good.  It’s the same light that is in His Son Jesus, Who is the Light of the world! It’s the same light that is found in the scriptures that becomes a lamp to our feet and a light to our path! It’s also the light that dispels the evil darkness on this earth, overpowering it, and causing it to lose its power to hurt and destroy lives. This same light dwells in every Holy Spirit-filled, child of God; and shines brighter and brighter in us as we live yielded to the Holy Spirit. That means allowing the Word of God, through His Holy Spirit, to renew our minds to know God, think as He thinks, and speak and act as He does.

This is the marvellous process of being continuously transformed into the image of Jesus. The more we are transformed, the stronger His glory light shines in and through us – doing exactly what He purposed it to do: Dispel the darkness, and create all things pure, true, beautiful and good, by our Words of truth – wherever we go.