Greater Things

Just before Jesus performed His first miracle at the wedding in Cana, He was gathering together His disciples. After recruiting Andrew and Peter, He was led by the Holy Spirit to find Philip, in Galilee. Philip was so taken by Jesus he sought out his friend Nathaniel and told him they had found the true Messiah, Jesus from Nazareth. Nathaniel’s response was almost comical, he said: “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” His scepticism changed the moment he began walking towards Jesus.

The Bible says, even before Nathaniel approached Him, Jesus recognised him. He said, “See! Here is an Israelite indeed [a true descendant of Jacob], in whom there is no guile nor deceit nor falsehood nor deceitfulness!” Then he told Nathaniel He had already seen him in the spirit, sitting under the fig tree. Nathaniel needed no more convincing that this was the Son of God. Not only did Jesus know these personal qualities about him, He saw him in the spirit before he met him in the natural. To which Jesus responded, he hadn’t seen anything yet, because a life journeyed with Him would certainly be supernatural!

Never forget Jesus saw you as His Own before you knew Him too. He knows everything about you and has planned a life-long, supernatural journey with Him, far greater than you can imagine. Press into knowing Him more, because He has greater things for you to see!