Grow in Wisdom and Favour

The prophet Isaiah prophesied that Jesus would walk with the Spirit of the Lord resting on Him. We know this is what caused Him to grow in wisdom and stature, and favour with God and man (Luke 2:40). The Bible teaches on the many benefits of Godly wisdom. It says wisdom will protect us; guard us; make us great; honour us; shower on us beauty and grace; lead us in straight paths; propel us; and grant us a long, good life (Proverbs 4). All these things are certainly desirable! The Bible says Jesus grew in wisdom, so we know we are able to do that too. In fact James 1:5 tells us all we need to do is ask for wisdom and God will freely give it to us!  The first place we can find wisdom is from God’s Word!  As we spend time in the Word, we can trust  the Holy Spirit to make that word come alive in us. It’s truth will be made plain to us, and as we apply its principles, just like Jesus – we will begin to grow in favour with God and man, reflecting His glory everywhere we go.