Guaranteed, Answered Prayer

Any prayer that aligns with God’s will (His Word) will personally be granted by Jesus, on our behalf! Jesus said whatever is permitted in heaven, we are to declare permitted on earth.  He said the same thing when He was teaching His disciples how to pray.  He said to pray that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  So, what is His will in heaven?  We know there is divine health, limitless provision, perfect love and restoration of all things, righteousness, peace, and the joy of the Holy Spirit in heaven! So, if there is lack of any of these qualities in our lives – we are commanded by Jesus to pray them in, and when we pray, as we believe what we say – we will have them (Mark 11:23-24). Hallelujah! Jesus even repeated this truth to us in verse 14 of John 14: “[Yes] I will grant [I Myself will do for you] whatever you shall ask in My Name [as presenting all that I AM].”  But wait! In the very next verse Jesus said that if we really love Him – we will obey His commandments. What commandments could He be referring to and what does this have to do with answered prayer?  Well, if we just keep reading, the very next verse tells us. It describes how the power to obey Him and to pray effectively, only comes through us receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This is His command – be baptized in the Holy Spirit first – then the power to please Him and pray effectively will be there for you! He has not made this experience optional for the Believer – in fact, it is essential to be baptized in His power in order to live the overcoming life He paid for us to have.  If you have not yet received this baptism, open your heart, and ask Him to baptize you in His power today. If you have already received His baptism, then open your heart and ask Him to fill you afresh. This way you will be supernaturally empowered to obey His voice and pray effective prayers that align with His will and Word – with the guarantee that each one will be answered!