He Calls Me Friend

One Bible translation says, “The Lord draws those who fear Him into the close bonds of friendship, and He will share His covenant with them.” God called both Abraham and Moses His friends (Exodus 33:11; James 2:23). Both men served the Lord wholeheartedly and walked in obedience to His ways. In addition to their obedience, they had a reverential fear of the Lord and a passionate love for His Presence. They didn’t just know the ways of God, they knew God, and that caused them to obey Him closely. They understood their obedience, no matter how difficult the choice to make, always worked to their advantage.  That’s the heart and nature of God – His instructions and precepts are always right, and never for our harm. They always bring us to a place of greater blessing and freedom. 1 John 2:5 says the proof that we truly are in Christ, is when we keep His Word. Our true faith in Him, just as it was for Moses and Abraham, is revealed through our willingness to obey Him. Jesus calls us His friends in John 15:14-15, if we walk in obedience to His ways. In other words, friendship with God has obligations. It also has outstanding privileges! The Bible says we are drawn into His companionship and confidence, and He reveals what it means to be in covenant with Him.  As you abide in Jesus, listen to His voice, and be quick to obey. The simplicity of these three steps qualifies us to be called His friends.