He Dwells in Us!

In the days of Moses in the wilderness, the first Tabernacle of God was constructed and many encounters with God took place inside this tent of meeting. It was where God spoke with Moses face to face (Exodus 33:11). Then, in King Solomon’s time, the priests ministered unto the Lord in such a way, that they were unable to complete their duties and lay face down on the floor because God’s Glory filled the tabernacle. Later on, the Jewish people had a tabernacle where they would meet with God on the basis of a sacrifice for atonement of sins. For as long as they could remember, there was always something they had to do, somewhere they had to go, a sacrifice they were expected to present in order to be close to their God. But when Jesus came, He fulfilled the law. He did all that was required for us to not only meet with God, but for His Presence to dwell in us permanently. We no longer need a place of meeting with a list of requirements to fulfil before we can meet with Him. The Spirit of God dwells within us and He reveals Himself to us as we delight ourselves in His Word. This Christmas, celebrate the privilege we have of God’s presence dwelling within us – filling us with love, peace and joy to share with those around us!