He Has Your Best Interests at Heart

Self-preservation is something that is instilled in every human being. From the moment we take our first breath we have a will to survive and an instinct to fight for what we feel we need. The problem is, because of our carnal nature, our self-dependence can easily breed an underlying mistrust of others to have our best interests at heart.

When we become born again, our self-reliance must change – to where we begin to put our trust in the Lord, instead of ourselves. The best way for us to experience the rock-solid faithfulness of God, is to spend time meditating on His Word. When its truth takes root in our hearts and we adjust our lifestyles to what it teaches, we can trust the Lord to honour our obedience and take care of every detail of our lives.

Our surrender to the will of God, above our own, will always result in a reward far greater than we could acquire through doing things our own way. God is our protector and the provider of every good thing. Learn to trust that putting Him and His ways first, will always result in your very best interest.