Hidden-Man of the Heart

In a world that is relentlessly caught up with outward appearances, it can become easy to neglect the condition of our souls. We can become quite skilful in portraying something we know people want to see, while hiding certain areas of our thoughts and emotions unchecked and un-renewed by God’s truth – making them unhealthy and corrupted. When we are united to Christ, the Bible says our spirit-man, or the inner, hidden-man of the heart, is inseparably connected to God’s Own Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:17-18).  The trouble comes when that perfect spirit-man is not given the place of dominance over our souls – the area of our thinking, reasoning and emotions.  If we are not diligently spending time in the Word of God, surrendering our thoughts, emotions and understanding to it’s truth – not just to know what it says, but to have it override our own desires and will – our souls will always be dominated by the carnality that conforms to the ways of the world. Being led by our spirit, the inner, hidden-man of the heart, is how we live in the flow of peace, joy, and righteousness – the way that opens our lives to the unprecedented blessing and favour of God.  God is the Rewarder who promotes us, and opens doors that cannot be shut. He  makes flourishing pathways in the wilderness for those who choose, moment by moment to die to the flesh and yield to His Spirit! Staying true to God alone, by prioritising His Presence and Word in our lives, ensures that the influence of the hidden-man of the heart, that is connected to God – dominates the way we think and feel. To renew our minds means to allow the Word of God to  cut away every incorrect, and carnal mindset. This is how we are set free from agitating moral conflicts, or devilish thoughts that try to hold us captive in worry, fear or depression.  Living led by our spirits puts to end the inward battle of trying to hide any out-workings of an un-renewed soul – because our souls are continually being renewed by God’s truth!  The outworking of that divine nature is what sets us apart, displaying, “the incorruptible and unfading charm of a gentle and peaceful spirit, which [is not anxious or wrought up, but] is very precious in the sight of God.”.