His Personal Care

Jesus promised to personally take care of us. There is an undeniable comfort that comes with the knowledge that we are deeply loved, and our lives personally accounted for. Jesus expressed such confidence in the above scripture regarding those who truly follow Him. He said no one will be able to snatch them away from Him. Nothing, and no one, can separate us from the love God has for us – except us.

Matthew 22:14 declares that many are called but few are chosen. The context of this scripture reveals that there was no limit to the calling, only a condition to fully partake. When we choose to not fully partake in all that God has for us – we choose to not be chosen. Through Jesus, God extends the invitation to all to enter into an all-inclusive relationship with Him. Yet even those who accept the call to come to Him must believe and fully engage in the benefits of the finished work of the cross, by their own choice.

Only those who choose to sincerely and deeply obey the call to know God and follow wholeheartedly after Him, are the chosen ones. Sheep are completely dependent on their shepherd; they know Him and follow His voice alone. To be under our Good Shepherd’s personal care is the result of a personal choice to fully engage in a life of undivided devotion to Him.