His Word is Certain
In this hour we are living in, we must choose to consistently build our lives upon the firm foundation which is the Word of God. Everything around us is constantly changing and at times can leave us feeling very uncertain.
The Bible says that even heaven and earth will eventually pass away, but God’s Word will remain forever. This is such a crucial truth for every believer to comprehend. Everything around us will change and be shaken, but the truth of God’s Word will remain steadfast and consistent. As children of God, we must be wise and build our lives upon the firm foundation of His unshakeable Word.
Be diligent to find, treasure, and put into practice the practical wisdom from God’s Word. It will keep you steadfast and immovable, no matter how the world around you changes. This way we even become bold and certain of our future, because we have built upon the certainty of God’s Word.