Ignore Those Distractions

Every long-distance athlete knows having a clear, mental picture of reaching the winning post is essential in their training. Just as essential, is the ability to remain focused on the path to get there! If they don’t persistently imagine the end goal during their training and practice, they will never achieve the stamina and endurance needed to reach the finish line first. This is where they develop the skill to drown out and ignore the shouting distractions of aching muscles and fatigue.

Paul compares our spiritual growth to that of an athlete’s. Unless we become determined and intentional on pursuing a deeper walk with the Lord, we will become easily distracted by the complaints of our carnal nature.

Today, give yourself to the process of training your spiritual muscles by diligently meditating on the Word of God. Understand He has already equipped you with all you need to stay on track. As you walk closely to Him, you will overcome every distraction and will stay on the path of victory.