In Him!

Before the foundation of the world, God chose us to live in Him.  When we understand what it means to have the Spirit of God living inside us – we will never feel lost, insignificant, or without purpose again. 1 Corinthians 6:17 says that when we came into union with Jesus, through the salvation experience, we became one spirit with Him!  This oneness has made our spirit man into something completely new!

A great way to explain this is by looking at the scientific terms of a mixture and a compound. When we mix 2 substances together by putting them in the same place and folding them into each other – they still retain their individual properties.  For instance, when we mix sugar and flour together, you can still differentiate between what is sugar and what is flour – the flour remains a fine powdery substance, while the sugar is a larger crystal.

Now, when you add some liquid to that mixture and place it in the heat of the oven, it forms a compound – where each substance loses its individual properties and together, they have become something completely new! When the Spirit of Christ came to live in your spirit you didn’t become a deity, but you aren’t completely human either.  You live on this earth, but you are born of God and He has placed eternity in your heart! You now live in Him!