Into the Deep

After these fishermen had been at it all night, catching nothing, Jesus told them to go back out, but this time, to go where it was deeper. As a result, their nets began breaking at the weight of their catch. Our faith will never increase by us just skirting the ‘shoreline’ of the Word.

If we are relying on a message we hear once or twice a week to carry us through the challenges of life or bring the promises of God into our reality, we’ll just end up being disappointed and frustrated. We all start somewhere, at the shore, but that’s not where we’re destined to stay. God calls us deeper – deeper into His Word and deeper into our relationship with Him. In Ephesians 1:17, Paul prays that we will receive the riches of the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to know God through our deepening intimacy with Him (TPT).

The abundant life He has for us, and the amazing things He wants to lead us into must be prayed for specifically, and come when we pursue Him and His truth relentlessly.  Never be complacent when it comes to knowing God and His Word.  He has promised us a full, satisfied life, overflowing in the rich treasury of knowing Him – when we pursue knowing Him with all our hearts.