It Is Finished

When God created Adam and Eve, He declared that He had given them everything they would ever need!  Their perfect environment, the perfect food, everything for their success in life was right there, prepared, and ready for them.  He anticipated every need they would ever have and provided it for them, even before they were created!  Even before sin entered into the equation and produced lack and need – God had a plan of redemption in mind.  He had anticipated the salvation, redemption, deliverance, healing, and provision we would need before He sent His Son Jesus to die for us!  Now, being born-again, we are able, through faith, to appropriate all Jesus has already purchased for us on the cross!  We don’t have to do something to make God move in our lives!  God already moved on our behalf before we even had one need!  The supply was made before the need existed!  Jesus has already triumphed over sickness, disease, lack, poverty, and oppression and has the victory over it all.  The moment you and I accepted Him as Lord and Saviour – His victorious Spirit came to live inside us! The same power that caused Jesus to triumph is in us and has raised us up to a position of victory in Him! (Ephesians 1:19-23; 2:1, 6-7). As we understand and acknowledge every good thing we have in Jesus, through reading His Word – like a one-way valve, what is full in our spirits will begin to overflow into our minds and every other area of our lives.  Let God’s power, love, peace, and joy flow like a mighty river from your spirit bringing an end to sorrow and defeat. As the Words of Jesus echo over you, “IT IS FINISHED”, know the power of sin and it’s curse no longer lords over you – you are free to live full and blessed – all the days of your life!