Jesus in the Word

Jewish religious leaders were harassing Jesus after He healed a lame man. His response cut to the truth of what their hearts were really full of. They insisted on judging everything He did according to the law. They were so intent on discrediting Jesus on technicalities, that they completely missed the truth being fulfilled in front of their eyes! The requirements of the law were being fulfilled by Jesus Himself. If their hearts were truly full of the scriptures, they would have recognised Who Jesus really was, and not been offended by Him, and everything He did.

The doorway to eternal life and a relationship with God was standing before them! All scriptures point to Jesus, you can never separate Him from the Word. This was God’s awesome plan all along. How wonderful to know that as we read the Word of God, we read Jesus Himself, and open our hearts to encounter Him through His truth. Just as the Word can never be separate from the person of Jesus, we can never be separate from Him when His Word is laid up in our hearts! Welcome the Word into your heart and expect to encounter the true nature of Jesus in its truth.