Jesus, Our Good Shepherd

Jesus is our Good Shepherd who leads us in triumph and teaches us to remain in victory. This should be the way of every child of God – we are either overcoming or learning how to overcome, but we are never failing.

When Jesus truly has our hearts it means we recognise His voice and obediently follow it. It means we are confident in His good nature and completely trust Him with our lives.  Jesus Christ is faithful. He has given us Himself, by giving us His Word. He has given us His Spirit to teach and lead us into all truth. His Spirit guides our steps, steers our thoughts and empowers us to release His kingdom on Earth.

We can experience days of heaven on earth when we choose to follow our Good shepherded closely. Today, choose to surrender to Him in every way. Yield to His voice and live from the victory He has already established for you as you walk closely in His ways.