Keep Building

As Covenant Believers, we are called to a life-style of constantly building and moving forward in the things of God. The Word of God doesn’t call for us to stagnate or be unfruitful, and it certainly doesn’t tell us to draw back! Even when we are waiting for a promise from the Lord to be fulfilled, we don’t sit around doing nothing. We press on, building ourselves up in faith and constantly obeying what the Word teaches us to do. The life of faith always leads to growth and success, in all areas of life. Just as the wise man built his house upon the solid rock, we are to daily build ours on the truth of God’s Word. As a result, when trouble comes that foundation we built our hope on will not fail under the pressure! It will keep us anchored and full of confident peace! As we build ourselves firmly in God and on His Word, supernatural stability and soundness will infiltrate our families and relationships too. This is how we build the kingdom of God together! When we continue to steadfastly build ourselves up and stand firm in the word, people in this world will recognise and be drawn to the inner strength and stability we have in God.  Be diligent to press into the things of God and build yourself up in His word Today.