Keep Moving Forward

Paying attention to the word is vital for a victorious life. Imagine canoeing up stream a fast flowing river. The moment you stop paddling, that stream will carry you backwards effortlessly, and at a rapid speed. Now imagine that river representing everyday life and circumstances, and the canoe representing your life being carried along with it. If the paddling represented how active you are in the word of God, would you find yourself being easily carried away, down-stream, or pushing forward with determination and strength?  While it takes commitment and diligence to push against the stream and make progress, it’s amazingly how very little effort, if non at all, is required to drift backwards. All that’s needed is to quit paddling. Even when the river seems to be calm – it is still moving and it’s current is powerful enough to carry you down stream. If we are not continually paying attention to the word of God, being diligent to read and meditate on it, our lack of attention will result in us losing ground as far as faith is concerned (Mark 4:24-25).  Hebrews 11:6 says, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”.  Our diligence to stay in the word, allowing it to transform us as we renew our minds to its wisdom, will keep us moving forward in faith and victory! Choose today to commit yourself to God’s word so you don’t draw back by easily being distracted from its truth. Your faithfulness and diligence will produce lasting, excellent fruit, and keep you moving forward in God’s perfect plan of blessing, purpose, and favour for your life!